

Acacia mangium.
This hardwood species is famous for its growth rates and density. Acacia is capable of reaching maturity in less than 12 years in the ideal growing conditions around Medellin. The trees are known for their straight trunks, which grow up to 25 m within 12 years. The timber from Acacia mangium is most often used for furniture, cabinets, flooring, plywood, fencing, mouldings, and door and window components.
Acacia mangium can be propagated from seed. Seeds are pre-treated before sowing by immersing them in boiling water(100deg.C) for 30 seconds then soaking them in cold water for 24 hours. On the photo villagers are filling the pots with a right mixer of substrate. After that, they sow directly into polythene bags, followed by pricking out to maintain 1 seedling per container.
The thinning
Acacia species are pioneers that demand full light for good development. Trees are very responsive to extra growing space. In plantations producing quality logs, the initial number of trees is generally thinned, reducing them from 1300 to 500 per hectare in 2 thinnings. On the picture the 1st thinning is done as an experiment, when the trees are 1,5 years old.
The pruning
Acacia mangium grows fast; it can achieve a mean annual diameter increment of up to 5 cm and a height of up to 5 m in the 1st 4-5 years. Persistem branches are pruned in these plantations, because the objective is to produce quality saw or veneer logs. PUM Netherlands Senior Experts received a request for advice on the possibilities of export quality hardwood to European market and assistance to develop thinning, pruning and forest exploitation to a higher level
Tropical rainforest.
10% of total of 2000 hectare of plantations is protected as a tropical rainforest reserve. It is important to build-up the right image of natural conservation and this is mentioned in their company brochure. Rainforest produces around 20% of the world's oxygen and contains half of the planet's estimated species of plants, animals and insects. Colombia is the second most bio diverse country in the world, lagging only after Brazil which is approximately 7 times bigger.
Mining areas
Open-pit (gold) mining is the process of removing minerals from the ground. It results in excavation of the top surface of the soil and leaves large holes. Vital nutrients have been eroded away. An important task of the Acacia mangium could be: reforestation of millions of hectares of wasteland mining areas. Planting of fast growing species on degraded lands was introduced in the last two decades and emphasis has been placed on Acacia mangium , because of its ability to grow in severe conditions.
On the photo an eight year old Acacia mangium has been felled by a farmer who needs some planks. The diameter of the tree was on the feet 40 cm. The dark brown collard wood is hardwood
Charcoal was made from the wood from the first thinning in the Acacia mangium plantations. The kilns they use are named TPI kiln of FAO type and are made from steel. Each kiln holds 7 till 11 m³of wood and produces about 400-600kg of charcoal after 7-10 days. The owner had problems to get the thinning wood in an efficient and cheap way out of the forest and to the charcoal plot.
One year after this mission there was a business-link with the Netherlands. With PUM's Business Link Programme (BLP) you can establish relations with Dutch firms, in order to buy or sell goods or services, or to find the right partner to enter into a joint venture. Business Link visits to the Netherlands last a maximum of ten days. On the photo, a demonstration of an harvesting machine. Harvesters are routinely available for cutting trees up to 900 mm in diameter, built on vehicles weighing up to 20 t, with a boom reaching up to 10 m radius.
PUM project 2012.
Colombia - Medellin.