

Transport of charcoal.
How much is left from the original forest land in Ghana? From the 8,2 million hectares of tropical rainforest that was present in 1900, only 1,2 million hectares remain.
The so called jewel of West Africa with all its tropical forests currently looks like this. Export of unprocessed wood is illegal and not allowed. Although strict rules are subject to the trade and transport of charcoal, but in practice most of the trade happens illegal.
Local use of wood.
There is great demand for wood, not only for firewood but also for local use as timber. Eventually wood from Europe or America will have to be imported to meet the demand.
Teak plantation.
Successful teak plantation for production of quality hardwood at the age of 12 years There is only one FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified plantation of teakwood in Ghana and it is 50% owned by Dutch entrepreneurs
First thinning.
There is already interest from the local trade for this thin wood from the first thinning. To stop the risks of monocultures in the FSC teak plantation, the owners made some free spaces in the plantation to develop the indigenous trees. Large old trees will be saved to stop erosion on the slopes.
Teak trees illegally cut.
Not every owner of small teak plantation is so happy. The owner of the teak plantation above, noticed that most of the 20-year-old trees were recently cut illegally. To create a commercial plantation you should be able to dispose at least a minimum of a thousand acres as you need a very professional way to organize such work.
PUM project 2010
Ghana - Accra