zuid africa

zuid africa

Abandoned Farmland.
South Africa accordingly established the Land Reform and Restitution Programme (1994) to address the injustices of the past. Unfortunately, since the land was returned, there was no provision of support to the new communities to ensure that the land and the farm grows to become a viable commercial farm.
abandoned farmhouse.
Originally most of the farms left were family farms. In this project it will be transformed into a commercial farm to offer Beef Production.
Acacia mearnsii (black wattle).
Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) is one of the most widespread, and significantly invasive alien trees in South Africa. It has been introduced as a useful tree for its commercial source of tannin or a source of firewood for local communities. In areas where it has been introduced, it is often considered a weed, and is seen as threatening to native habitats by competing with indigenous vegetation, replacing grass communities, reducing native biodiversity and increasing water loss from riparian zones.
Acacia, family of legumes.
Acacia mearnsii is a fast growing leguminous (nitrogen fixing) tree.Working with a group of bacteria called rhizobia, legumes are able to pull nitrogen out of the air and accumulate it biologically. The bacteria, which are normally free-living in the soil in the native range of a particular legume, infect (inoculate) the root hairs of the plant and are housed in small root structures called nodules. Energy is provided by the plant to feed the bacteria and fuel the nitrogen fixation process. In return, the plant receives nitrogen for growth.
useful trees for processing charcoal..
PUM Netherlands Senior Experts received a request for advise, guidance and support on how to eradicate the wattle tree that is inhibiting the growth of the farm. For such Wattle should be processed and make or develop charcoal. Wattle tree has a good name in the charcoal business. Diameter on breath high (dbh) from 8 cm and more are useful for processing charcoal.
measuring diameters of trees.
To collect adequate information about the quantity of Wattle trees and where they are located, you have to measure. Before you invest in charcoal kilns you need to know how much m³ is available for the charcoal business.
Primary function is Beef production.
Under a wide range of weather conditions, cattle do very well outside. Bush (wattle tree, acacia karroo) clearing will open a chance for grasses to grow such that livestock will be supported via forage and good field management. Therefore advice and guidance regarding the deforestation of the wattle trees that consume plenty of rain water was very important.
Pum project 2013.
South Africa - Eastern Cape Province